A non-structured process of approving credit. Most other lessors have a credit model; it either fits, or it doesn't. At LCC, we look for mutually amicable methods to make your transaction work. Bottom line, we say yes more often. Our diversified funding capability through our relationship banks gives us the ability to approve a wide variety of transactions.
Flexible payment options that are tailored to cash flow. Payment options include seasonal payment skips, deferred payment, and step-up payment plans
Assistance on customer sales calls to handle those critical negotiations.
Personalized service - Just give us your prospect's name and phone number and we do the rest. We want to make your job of selling equipment easier to do.
Knowledgeable staff; your questions can always be answered in a timely, full service manner.
Our principals have over 35 years experience in assisting equipment salespeople in the field. We have seen almost every imaginable transaction, and have the experience to get them done. We "dig" hard to uncover information and innovative solutions that can turn a difficult deal into an approved deal.
Before any lease application is submitted to a credit manager, LCC researches the transaction in order to better understand and overcome any derogatory information that could be a hindrance to getting the deal done.
Like you, we are aggressive, quality salespeople. Our organization's priority is to assist you in closing more sales.
Banks can charge you a fee on your line of credit, even if you never use it. Leasing companies charge only for what you use.
Banks require that you put some cash down, in some cases as much as 20% to 30%. This can eat away at your working capital. Leasing companies don't
Banks are not as flexible as leasing companies. Equipment leasing companies can create an individualized lease arrangement for you such as no payments for 90 days to give you time to get your new equipment up and running. Banks can't.
Increase total sale by offering leasing as a tool and working with your customers monthly budget.
If you borrow too much from a bank, this can limit your ability to get future loans and you have fewer options during crises. Leasing allows you to expand and diversify your funding sources.
Banks won't give you 100% financing. Leasing companies will. In fact, when you lease from a reputable leasing company, you can get 100% financing for not only the cost of the equipment, but for labor, installation and even training or consultation.
Banks can put liens on all of the assets of your company including receivables and inventory. Leasing companies only put a lien on the equipment.
Banks may recommend, especially to small business owners, that they take out a home equity loan for new equipment. This is a very bad idea. Why finance a piece of equipment for a few years with assets such as a home that you will keep for a longer time? Leasing is a much wiser strategy for expansion.
Leasing allows businesses to fully expense lease payments as a rental and provides valuable tax deductions for your business. Consult your accountant.

Most equipment in every industry can be financed!
Construction and Manufacturing Equipment
LNG Storage and Transfer Facilities
Solar (Commercial)
Cannabis Growing Equipment
Commercial Vehicles (Trucks, Trailers, etc.)
Medical Equipment (DME)
Computer Equipment and Software
Office Furniture
Material Handling Equipment
Telecommunications Equipment
Restaurant Equipment

The Benefits of Leasing with Lighthouse Commercial Credit LLC
Frees up Capital
Tax Advantages
Fixed Payments
Unlimited Capital
Quick Approvals
Leasing through Lighthouse Commercial Credit gives your company and additional source of capital without affecting your bank credit lines. Additionally, costs such as shipping and freight can also be included in the lease.
Leasing can offer greater tax advantages than normal financing. Your lease payments may be considered a pre-tax business expense, and as such may reduce your company's taxes. Check with your accountant.
Unlike bank loans and credit lines with variable rates tied to prime, lease payments are fixed for the lease term. This permits your company to more accurately budget expenses, no matter what happens to interest rates.
As an independent leasing company, Lighthouse Commercial Credit represents many sources of lease funds. As a result, we offer leasing to a variety of companies including newer businesses and marginal credit.
Low Rates
Most companies are approved within 24 hours of receipt of complete credit information, with no financial information required up to $250,000.
Lighthouse Commercial Credit has some of the lowest in the industry! Call for an exact quote!

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